  Version: (Beta 26)
  Date: June 15, 2023
  64-bit version
  FATXplorer remains a strong and actively maintained project more than 10 years after its initial release.
  Help test the 3.0 beta version - a complete rewrite that brings original Xbox device support, an upgraded mounting driver, expanded formatting tools, and many other improvements.
  More information about the beta: https://fatxplorer.eaton-works.com/3-0-beta/
  Provide feedback on the beta by leaving a public comment on the above-linked page, or send your comments privately here: https://fatxplorer.eaton-works.com/contact/
  System Requirements
  - Windows 7 SP1 or newer OS
  - .NET 7.0.0 or newer desktop runtime: https://aka.ms/dotnet/7.0/windowsdesktop-runtime-win-x64.exe
  Expiration notice: This beta version is FREE to use, but expires in 90 days and is not suitable for archiving/hosting on the Xbins FTP server. FATXplorer builds will be hosted on the Xbins FTP server once 3.0 exits beta.
  Release notes for this version are below in plain-text format. Release notes in HTML format for this version and previous versions are here: https://api.eaton-works.com/appreleasehistory/fatxplorer?mode=web&channel=beta
  - This release has an accompanying announcement post. Click here to view it: https://fatxplorer.eaton-works.com/2023/06/15/fatxplorer-3-0-beta-26-project-stellar-support-and-more/
  - Fixed "SmartMonTools exited with code 1." error that could occur when executing HDD security operations on some systems.
  - Added message to HDD Security Tools to explain currently mounted devices will not be shown until they are unmounted.
  - Added Project Stellar support to Formatting Tools and device detection.
  - XL HDD patch v3 released. Fixed JTAG compatibility problem where the console may boot to a black screen.
  - Added new XL HDD Fix tool to repair XL HDDs that suddenly start causing E69. This repair tool can be used to restore the HDD's XL status without data loss. HDDs can lose their XL status when an accidental write occurs at sector 0.
  - Driver updated to v22.0.8551. Fixed issue that could prevent mounting if FATXplorer crashed or exited improperly. Driver updates may require a reboot.
  - The expiration date has changed to September 13, 2023.
  - Attention Windows 7 Users: There are reports of random NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM BSODs occurring when interacting with mounted drives on Windows 7. Please report this if it happens to you, and make sure to provide steps on how to reproduce it.